It's quite common to see advertising banners superimposed onto videos because they stream on the internet. They are known as "lower thirds" simply because they overlay the low third of the screen throughout streaming. While this dynamic process requires sophisticated technology, the result could be replicated with multitrack video editing computer software.
Open your multitrack video editing computer software and click "Browse" to find your advertising image and video source files. Click "Open" to include them to the program's media assets folder.
Drag the movie to the bottom track (typically "Video 1") in your video project timeline. Click "Play" to inspect the clip.
Drag the image file containing your advertisement and drop it onto the 2nd video track, "Video 2. " Click once on the graphic's timeline object to highlight it. Either left click and contain the mouse on the graphic object in the preview window frame or use an alternative solution software-specific solution to reposition the graphic.
Adjust the transparency of the overlay by adjusting the clip's opacity utilizing a "slider" get a grip on if provided. Select "Render" to make a temporary composite file and click "Play" to inspect the end result in the project preview window. Save yourself the sequence.